
(Pan Paniscus) It is a species of great ape, closely related to the chimpanzee. Historically, is was called "pygmy chimpanzee". They are commonly more gracile than the chimpanzees, even though both species are relatively similar in terms of size and weight. Females are smaller than males,. Males can weigh up to 60 kg, whiles females … Continua a leggere Bonobos

The cheetah II

Even though another article about the cheetah was written a while ago, it is interesting to come back to this majestic animal now that attention is being focused on the African savanna. This new article will give us an extra opportunity to study deeply some particularities about the cheetah that have also an influence on … Continua a leggere The cheetah II

White Rhino

(Ceratotherium simum)  It is the biggest extant species of rhinoceros. Their length can reach up to 4 meters, and other 70 centimetres of tail must be added. They can reach up to 1.86 meters to the shoulder. Males are bigger than females, and also heavier, as the first ones' weight can be up to 2.3 … Continua a leggere White Rhino

The African Black Rhino

(Diceros bicornis)  One of the two species of rhinoceros that can be found in Africa. Males can stand up to 1.4-1.8 meters to the shoulder. They can weigh up to 1.4 tons., with some individuals reaching up to almost 3 tons. Females are normally smaller. The natural range of the black rhino included most of … Continua a leggere The African Black Rhino

Ground pangolin

(Smutsia temminckii) It is one of the four species of Pangolins that can be found in Africa. But it is the only one that prefers savannas and woodlands. They can reach up to 90 centimetres in length and weigh up to 27 kilograms. Up to the 20% of their body weight is made up of … Continua a leggere Ground pangolin

The Giant eland

(Taurotragus derbianus) It is the world's largest antelope. Its body length can reach up to 2.9 meters and they can stand up to 1.8 meters to the shoulder. Males are bigger than females, and they can weigh up to 1.000 kg and 600 kg respectively. They can be found in the broad-leafed savanna, as well … Continua a leggere The Giant eland